Retro pay
This will give more extra time and peace of mind to your payroll team. Processing retroactive payroll allows you to set up salary adjustments, apply the adjustments to historical timecards for pay adjustments that affect time periods prior to the one in which you are currently working.
Fully Integrated
Two separate departments gathering, storing, and using the same information independently makes for duplication of efforts, possibility for human error. Infinigent allows both human resources and payroll staff to access the same information without duplicate paperwork or files, creating efficiencies that save time and money and reduce liability.
Reduction in Costs
One of the obvious benefits of integrating payroll with related systems is a reduction in administrative costs. When duplication of paperwork, data, and efforts is eliminated, your company is saving money on salaries, supplies, and system resources.
Management Information
Infinigent provide top executives the relevant information to take decision on the spot. Comparisons of personnel cost with the previous month, slice and dice the payroll data into granular level to get the insight.